The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #30: How to Quit Your Day Job with No Fear and No Regrets with Andrew Tarvin



One day... I'll be ready. One day... I'll take that next step. One day... I'll have it all figured out. How many times in your life have you told yourself "one day"? I remember, 4 years ago (which is still amazing to me), I was sitting at the same desk, in front of the same 4 computer screens, being yelled at by the same angry men, at the same job that I hated, and no matter how miserable each new day might be, I still told myself... "One day"... I'll quit this job. "One day"...I'll do something I really love. "One day"... I'll be free. Thankfully for me, that one day came much sooner than I expected, but for most people, "one day" always seems to loom somewhere off in the distant future. For most of us, that "one day" will only come when we've done enough research, made enough money, had enough conversations, or cried enough times that we feel... gasp... ready. But what if there was a fool-proof, sure-fire, tried-and-tested method to avoid all this wishin'.. and hopin'... and dreamin'... and prayin'? What if