The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #32: Why You Should "Start with Why" with Tracy Timm



Last week, we started a series on how to accomplish anything in life. I shared an awesome piece of advice that was gifted to me by a friend. Here's the breakdown: Know the needle you want to move. Know why you intend to move that needle. Know where you want the needle to go. Know how to move that dang needle. And most importantly… Do the things that move that dang needle! Put even more simply: Choose a goal. Define your “why”. Determine what “winning” looks like. Figure out what you need to do to move closer to that goal. And of course, most importantly… TAKE ACTION. Last week, we dug a little deeper into that advice by talking about Step One: Choose a goal. As you remember, this was no ordinary goal-setting session. If you have not listened to that podcast, go do that now. Rather than setting what have come to be known at SMART goals, I challenged you to set, what I like to call, stupid goals. Crazy goals. Outlandish goals. Big, hairy, audacious goals. More specifically, goals that are just “cool”