The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #33: Defining Success on Your Own Terms with Tracy Timm



This week, Now that you have your "why," we have a completely different, potentially even gargantuan challenge. That's the challenge of letting go of the definition of success given to (or even forced on) us by others. Instead, we have to realize that the traditional models of success might not be exactly how we would define success for ourselves. In fact, we might even have to embrace the idea of defining success in our very, own, unique way. But how do we actually do that, when our entire lives have probably read like a report card? Get good grades: check! Play a sport: check! Get involved in extracurricular activities: check! Get into a "good" college: check! Get a "good" job: check! How do we break this seemingly never-ending train of living up to the expectations of others and defining success for ourselves? Hop on over into the episode to learn my fool-proof method for defining success on your own terms.