Seanwes Podcast

380: Recovery From Depression (Part 1)



Today's show topic is intense. If you're looking for a light and fun show, you'll probably want to skip this one. I was depressed. It was bad. I'm talking about it for the first time. On last week's show, we talked about how difficult it is to open up about the real things that might be going on in your life. The *unpleasant* things. Where's the place to do that? Social media doesn't seem to be the answer. I talked about feeling like I need to wait until I can wrap the story up in a neat "Hero's Journey" bow. Because people are conditioned to expect the Hero's Journey format. "Okay, yeah, sure, things were bad, but then what happened, *next*?" "No... things were just bad, and then they got worse. And that's it. I don't have a happy ending to this story for you right now." "Oh." I didn't want that. But I didn't know how to share something that wasn't good and positive. The stages I went through were: • Push, push, push (push forward with work, push down the feelings). • Reach a breaking point where my