Do It With Dan

Q&A Session 13



Welcome to Session 13 of the weekly Q&A Session with Em Hollis from Insight Unlimited LLC. As always, Em picks the questions and asks me live on the recording. Today's questions include: - What's the best life lesson you've ever learned from a friend or foe? - Do you have a clearly defined objective for your life or do you tend to go wherever the wind blows? - How have others interfered in keeping you from reaching your life’s goals? - What insights have you gained through meditation? - Which is one thing you cherish in your life? - Are most of your thoughts pointless? - Is happiness a good life long goal? Want to send us a question? email Em: q& Check us both out on facebook: For more information on the Beyond Intention paradigm visit: How can we serve you better? Let us know with your review! Music Credit: "The Dreamer", Common