Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 27: Frightening Situation to Manifesting Muma With Kirsty O’Brien



I had the pleasure of interviewing Kirsty!  She went through any parent’s nightmare.  Her youngest daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, beat it, then relapsed and beat it again.  Today her daughter is doing great!  Kirsty shares her story and how it caused her to develop PTSD and anxiety.  I admire Kirsty greatly, because she turned such a frightening situation into something good and was able to heal herself.  She has such an amazing energy!  Here is some more about Kirsty: Kirsty O'Brien is a manifesting muma of 4 and teacher of all things manifesting, meditation, moon and vibration. Her coaching blends journaling, meditation and LOA principles to create life changing results.   Supporting women to heal their anxiety, clear the blocks they hold around their worthiness and transcend limiting beliefs.  Bringing them to a space of clarity with their heart felt desires and seeing the limitless potential they hold within. Kirsty inspires women to manifest their dream life.   Follow Kirsty at: Website: www.kirst