Moments Matter With Dave Sanderson

Episode 33: Dave interviews John Nemo LinkedIn strategist



John Nemo is an Online Course Creator and Bestselling Author who helps Business Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners generate quality leads, build their client base and increase revenue using digital marketing platforms and tools like LinkedIn and Webinars.The author of 7 books, John is a former Associated Press Reporter, Talk Radio Producer, Award-Winning PR Director and Social Media Consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.John has personally rewritten LinkedIn profiles for A-List Entrepreneurs including Chris Brogan, Mari Smith, John Lee Dumas, Bob Burg, Tom Ziglar, Jairek Robbins, Dan Miller, Ray Edwards and many others.In addition, John regularly guest blogs for Inc. Magazine and American City Business Journals, and his work has also been featured in The Huffington Post, Business Insider on LinkedIn's marketing blog and many other publications online.Since 2012, John has helped hundreds of Business Coaches, Consultants, Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and others across doz