Facdev Media Training Series

Adding an iTunes 1 Click Subscribe Link



Click on the title of this blog posting to listen to this podcast episode. The transcript is provided below.:: Transcript ::After successfully submitting your podcast to the iTunes music store and receiving notification of its successful addition, you will be able to add a 1-click subscription link to your podcast from your blog or other website presence. If you are using a podcast in conjunction with a course management system like Blackboard, you can create a link in your Blackboard course making it possible for students to subscribe to your podcast with 1 click.To a 1-click subscription link to your blog or website, follow the same steps outlined in the earlier episode of this series entitled, "Adding a Link to a RSS Feed." The only difference between adding a 1-click subscription link and any other RSS feed link is that the 1-click subscription link is the URL that iTunes created for your feed when it was successfully submitted to the iTunes music store. To find this URL, open iTunes and search for yo