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ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE! THRU THE POWER OF SMALL STEPS! Robert Maurer PhD | Motivation | Self-Help | Health | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted more excellence in your life, with a better outlook, health, and greater success, then do we have the easy steps show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Robert Maurer, a faculty at the UCLA and the University of Washington Schools of Medicine, the director of Science of Excellence, author of One Small Step Can Change Your Life and a second book I am absolutely smitten with, The Spirit of Kaizen! And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about creating lasting excellence, one small step at a time. That plus radars and chocolate, tasting insecticide, why * you don’t want left turns, lost wrenches and aircraft carriers, the secret to a good party, the power of a kids meal, why you might want to throw out, your first bite of food, and why it’s incredibly important to treat the Zappos van driver right! Self-Improvement & Self-Help Life, Health & Career Topics Include: How did Robert get interested in Kaizen? What career / field was Robert using Kaizen in? What ca