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HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBES & FIND YOUR PATH! CJ Liu | Motivational | Health | Fitness | Career | Spiritual | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wondered where you were going in life, where you want to go, or how in the world to get there, then do we have the life direction show for you. Today we’ll be talking about tapping into your heart, figuring out where you want to go, and the first few steps toward getting you there. That plus we’ll talk about the power of equinox, fall swimming, world podcast day, dharma comics, the most beautiful town in America, and why you might want to move your car, before you fall asleep. What losing your keys has to do with anything and what’s the spiritual significance What a rebooting phone means for your life What’s the spiritual significance of equinox How to get light enough to pivot How do you put more space between each event to slow things down in your life What proper running stride looks like and what it has to do with life direction and spirituality Visualizations for proper walking and running tecniques What in the world the duck butt is Why you want to move like a spring when walking or runn