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How to Re-Empower Your Life!!! CJ Liu | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever felt disempowered or overwhelmed by the affirmations, afformations, meditations, law of attraction, journaling, chanting, automatic writing, tapping and more, when all you want to do is feel better, or head toward your dreams, then do we have the kind-and-easy self-help show for you! Today we’ll talk about where to begin, how to start, and how to keep from getting on the self-help treadmill to nowhere, stuck chasing your cheese. That plus we’ll talk about laying on the grass, enjoying the sun, the power of de-cluttering, little trips and dips, daily habits, and why Hawaii isn’t just a state of mind. Empowering Self-Empowerment and Self-Help Topics Include: What anger may really mean What’s it mean to not trust the process Why you don’t want to give your power away What it means to give your power away to a medical practicioner and what Anita Moorjani has to say about it How can an inheritance be giving power away (or strings attached) What can you do to regain or retake your power What’s a pri