Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Bonus Episode: Chandler Bolt | From Ski Slopes To Bestseller



Chandler Bolt (best selling author and someone who's helped others to become best selling authors) talks with Mitch Matthews for the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast. Subscribe To The Podcast “We went from book idea to bestseller in two and a half months.” Tweet This Everyone has at least one book in them.  It’s time for you to write yours!!  Join Mitch Matthews and his friend Chandler Bolt as they tell you how to start writing that book you’ve been thinking about, and then get it published.  Chandler has been an entrepreneur nearly all his life; at 11 he sold snacks at scout camp, at 17 he hired friends and made $10,000 in his landscaping business, and by age 20 he was teaching other students how to run a successful business, which earned him the “Entrepreneur of the Year” award from Young Entrepreneurs Across America.  He also hit Amazon like a freight train with his breakout book 'The Productive Person,' which went from an idea to a bestseller in just two and a half months! “Normally I dream, think a litt