Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Van Harden | Turning a Boyhood Dream Into a Career of a Lifetime!



Popular morning radio show personality Van Harden talks with Mitch Matthews for the DREAM. THINK. DO. Podcast. Listen To The Podcast:    “Meet at the station at 4:50” IN THE MORNING!  Those are the words Mitch Matthews read when he went to meet his current guest, Van Harden. Van is the host of the "Van and Bonnie Show," Iowa's most popular morning radio show. Plus, he's the program director of WHO Radio, Iowa's biggest radio station. In this interview, we turn the mic on Van and ask him some questions. You'll find out how he was able to turn his childhood dream job into a reality that’s lasted nearly 25 years, and has earned 13 Marconi awards from the National Association of Broadcasters, 5 of which were awarded to him personally. “Having fun at work is a choice.” Tweet This But living his dream wasn’t enough, so he is also the inventor of the DayTeller® timepiece and the Van Harden Cheese Crust Pizza, as well as a successful author!  Now you can find out how he accomplished all that and still kept hi