Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Breaking Through the “New Start Paradox”



In this deep dive, Mitch discusses how to overcome the difficulties of starting a business!  It's the DREAM. THINK. DO. Podcast. Listen To The Podcast:    “I’m not a big fan of blind leaps of faith, I’m a much bigger fan of small steps of faith over time.” Tweet This Have you been thinking about starting something; a new job, your own business, or even a new hobby?  You feel that excitement for it and can’t wait to start, but holy cow, taking that leap can be overwhelming!  There’s the need to get a perfect plan lined up and in place so you can jump in… and then you don’t, because doing all that at once is paralyzing. If you've felt that.. then you’ve experienced the "New Start Paradox." “Sometimes it’s about the outcome, but often it’s the experience.” Tweet This If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone! As a Success Coach over the past 12+ years... Mitch has seen the "New Start Paradox" stop countless people in their tracks. But in this DREAM. THINK. DO. episode, Mitch has the tool for you to brea