Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

JT Fox | Scoring Your Dream Job



Whether it’s right now or 10 years from now, that job you want or company you’d love to work for is in your reach, on this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast with JT Fox. Listen To The Podcast:      Is it “realistic” to want a dream job? Do they even exist? If they do… how do you get one? Well, it’s possible. Just ask J.T. Fox. I first met J.T. at Chicago O’Hare when we were both traveling to the same conference. While we were chatting, I uncovered that J.T. had a dream of working for Fox Racing. It seemed impossible at the time. But after our conversation, J.T. decided to pursue it anyway. Now, 20 months later, JT is joining me on the DREAM.THINK.DO. podcast. AND… get this: He did the interview from Fox Racing's headquarters, where he now works! I can tell you that this is one of my favorite D.T.D. interviews! In it, J.T. shares his inspiring story of getting in the door at Fox Racing. Plus, we dig into some practical strategies YOU can use too! [Tweet "“The more people you tell, the mor