Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Is this your LEAP year?



In this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast deep dive to help you to decide whether to turn your side-hustle into your full-time gig to know Is this your LEAP year? Listen To The Podcast:        Yes... 2016 is an official leap year. So that means February has an extra day in it. But that's NOT what I'm talking about when I ask YOU whether this is YOUR "Leap Year." Nope. What I'm talking about is whether this is the year that you turn your "side-hustle" into a full-time job. I was asked a question by a long-time DREAM.THINK.DO. listener who's trying to decide whether to "LEAP" and make her catering hobby... her full-time jobby? (Sorry. I couldn't resist the rhyme.) How about you? Do you have a passion that you'd like to make your career? Do you have a side hustle you'd love to make your full-time deal? Do you wonder if you could make it work? Do you wonder when you should take the "leap?" In this episode, you will... Get the hardcore strategies you need to make the decision Learn about