Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Nick Stephenson | From the Court Room to Crime Novels! (How an unsatisfied attorney broke free and created a 7-figure business by writing books!)



In this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast Nick Stephenson, from a young barrister to owning a seven-figure business, shares his strategies on how to grow your audience and boost your influence. Listen To The Podcast:          It happens to a lot of us.  You go to college to get a degree in something.  But after you graduate… you quickly realize that you don’t actually want to work in THAT field for the rest of your life. But what do you do? That was Nick Stephenson’s story. He went to school to be a barrister.  (Yeah… he’s British.) But he realized very quickly that being a lawyer was a bad fit! There he was.  School debt.  A small family.  Single income. He didn’t seem to have a lot of options. But… he decided to Dream.Think.Do. That’s right.  While he worked his full time job… “barristing” (yeah… I know that’s not a word), Nick started to write crime novels on the side.  It took some time but he started to understand the game and he began to build a following. Over the course of the p