Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

SPEAKER LAB: 8 Secrets for Beating the Fear of Public Speaking



In this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast, learn how to overcome your fear of Public Speaking. Listen To The Podcast:        I make my living talking. In other words, I do a lot—and I mean a lot—of public speaking. Now, I know as soon as I utter the phrase “public speaking,” most people get a certain feeling—and it’s not a good one. In fact, surveys have consistently shown that public speaking is the #1 fear! It surpasses the fear of death—and even… the fear of clowns! (YIKES!) I also know, however, that many people actually want (or need) to do more public speaking, but their fears are holding them back. I understand. Heck, I still get hit with all those feelings. A fear of letting the audience down. A fear of making a mistake in front of a large group of people. A fear of tripping and falling flat on my face! Yup… I get hit with all the fears, too. Fortunately, I’ve developed a useful set of simple tools to deal with them. And… today I want to give some of those tools to YOU! I’m going