Seanwes Podcast

338: Learning to Ask for Help



It can be hard to ask for help. We feel bad, we feel like we're inconveniencing someone, and often, we think we can find a way to do things ourselves. It's true: you can be a lone wolf and figure everything out on your own. But you miss out on the benefit of relationships. You miss out on giving someone else and opportunity to feel helpful and important. Think about a time where a friend asked you to help. Helping feels good—but not only that, it's required to build a relationship. I used to think I was "wasting" my credits by asking for help. You know how you do a favor for someone and they "owe" you? Well, I was always hesitant to waste that "ask" until a friend explained that's not how it works. A relationship is built through giving and asking—over and over. You're supposed to repeat it! It's like exercising a muscle. Like with exercise, you can't start out with the heaviest weight. You have to start small and build up.