Tao Of Tech

Episode 9 - WWDC 2010



This week on the Tao of Tech it's all about the iPhone 4! Apple's WWDC conference kicked off on June 7th with Steve Jobs unveiling the iPhone 4 to the world. In this show I go over all of the major announcements made in the keynote address. Some handy links Full video of Steve Job's 2010 WWDC keynote address http://bit.ly/bk7ABk I watched the keynote address on the GDGT live blog http://bit.ly/di5roz Apple's iPhone 4 main page http://bit.ly/bTTReC Information on the iOS4 NetFlix app http://bit.ly/dq8gXD A more in depth look at the iPhone 4's Retina Display http://bit.ly/aGr3II Retina Display by the numbers http://bit.ly/99LVpP Apple's iAds page http://bit.ly/c6UxwU More info on iAds http://bit.ly/8YTB6i Apple FaceTime video's http://bit.ly/aAHUwF iPhone 4/iOS4 release information http://huff.to/9oMkH8