Blue Streak Science Podcast

072: Organic molecules on Mars, slowing hurricanes, dogs and influenza



On This Week’s Show New Horizons wakes up to explore the Kuiper Belt Hurricanes are slowing down Dogs and the flu virus The Climate Lounge The Pub Quiz Science News with Nevena Hristozova and Chris MacAlister Organic molecules found on Mars Mars stinks. Or at least it ought to, based on the fact that in has methane in its atmosphere. Truth is though, that the concentration of methane in the martian air is almost 2000 times lower than the one on earth. But why methane is of interest to scientists is because, on earth at least, it’s existence is related to the activity of living forms. Now, methane comes again in the spotlight of researchers, because they’ve finally had a breakthrough - they’ve finally detected a pattern in the concentration variations of the gas in the martian atmosphere. Curiosity observed changes in the methane content when travelling cross the planet from north to south. The original hypothesis was that this change is due to chemical conversion of molecules with the help of the strong ra