

Don't miss this fascinating chat with Jovana Subic, who built a remote lifestyle of her dreams.  She works as the Community Manager at a company called ActiveCollab, a project management software for creative professionals. Jovana moved out of the city to the remote hills of Serbia, where she completely surrendered herself to the outdoors. She spends her days working, climbing, hiking, and sky running. She has also raised a fox and rescued an owl. She chose this lifestyle when the city started feeling suffocating, amidst the concrete, noise, and crowded areas. In this podcast Jovana shares with us:  How she built a lifestyle that made her feel alive.  What an average day is like for her, starting with collecting drinking water from a spring and carrying it back home. What it's like to leave everything behind and move to the wilderness. Here's a sneak peak: "While at home, I can go to a spring to get some drinking water and carry it in my backpack. I go running with my dog, feed birds, work while sitting