Kettle Of Fish

William Sanderson Talks About His Brother Darryl And His Other Brother Darryl



Most people know William Sanderson from his role as E. B. Farnum, the shady, self-promoting Mayor from the HBO series, Deadwood, or as the strange hillbilly neighbor of Dick Loudon on the long-running TV sitcom Newhart. Perhaps some of you older Sci-Fi fans may also know William from his iconic role as J. F. Sebastian, the slightly mad but highly compassionate genius toymaker in the legendary science fiction film, Blade Runner. And I’m sure many of you younger, more hip types have probably have seen William on True Blood as the down home hard-boiled Sheriff of Bon Temps- Bud Dearborne. This episode of Kettle Of Fish was the first time we had the pleasure of speaking with William, and as a big fan of his work; from Newhart, to Deadwood, to some of his lesser known roles on shows like Lost, and The Practice, it was a huge honor for us to have the opportunity to pick William’s brain for 30 minutes about his many diverse roles in movies, animation, and television.