Folk Roots Radio... With Jan Hall

Episode 380 - The Lifers & New Releases



We’re taking a distinctly female musical perspective on Episode 380 of Folk Roots Radio as we chat to Liv and Anita Cazzola from Guelph’s The Lifers about their sophomore release “Honey Suite”. Liv and Anita have been delighting listening audiences across Canada since there release of their first E.P. “Set the Sails” (2014) and their first long player “Out & In” (2016), although our relationship with them goes back to their first band as a duo, Detour. It’s a great interview – well worth sticking around for. We also check out more new music from female performers including new releases from Doris Folkens, Alicia Toner and Ali McCormick and Carly Thomas. Check out the full playlist on the website: