Folk Roots Radio... With Jan Hall

Interview - Cheshire Carr



Cheshire Carr are a six piece Montreal-based folk-rock collective who weave together their diverse influences to produce a sound that is warm and inviting, yet also very intriguing. With songs and vocals that bring to mind a mash up of Paul Simon, Crosby Stills & Nash, Jefferson Airplane and Pink Floyd, their first album “Odds & Ends” is very engaging, and definitely worth exploring. Cheshire Carr feature Geneviève Cooke (vocals, percussion), Elie Flynn (guitars), Pierre Lavoie (vocals, drums, banjo), Mathilde Pigeon (accordion), Hugo Chaput (bass) and Ariel Harrod (vocals, guitar). Odds & Ends was mixed by Plants & Animals Warren C Spicer, who also helped shape the final sonic direction of the project. Cheshire Carr have a fabulous live show that comes across like a fun summer festival workshop featuring a coffee house folk act rocking out with a jam band. We caught up with Cheshire Carr’s Ariel Harrod at home in Montreal to chat about the band and their music. Visit Cheshire Carr online at http://cheshireca