
Mercy - Episode 47



Today, Mary Showalter tells a story about a lady who lived next door when she was a child growing up in eastern Kentucky. In Mary's story, we see compassionate relationships that go beyond boundaries of race and culture. We'll also hear a song from Raleigh Kincaid.As we look at this story alongside John's account of the woman at the well, we see how Jesus continues to venture out beyond the walls and boundaries that society and politics place between us. We find grace and blessing, wisdom and sustenance in the company of the other. Jesus greets us with welcome, casts off our shame, and calls us to move out into the world--to go to places where we are not in control--to be in spaces where we are the other and to stand beside those who have been marginalized and oppressed.Don't forget to call in your beatitudes for our podcast. We still need several for Monday's episode. Just leave a message at (859) 813-0150.