All The Things With Melissa Danielle

The Gig Economy as a Path to Personal Freedom and Other Myths About Entrepreneurship



Unemployable! How to Be Successfully Unemployed Your Entire Life!, by David Thomas Roberts I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Sometimes I get so excited reading books about entrepreneurship that I miss the warning signs that a book might be full of shit. So I had to read parts of this book again just to make sure. I wanted to like this book for inviting the reader to question their current employment situation and consider if the way they traded time for money was really paying off for them in the long term, and for highlighting some of the financial burdens we take on (student loans and mortgages) that keep us trapped in jobs with limited growth and opportunities for financial freedom. There are some really good nuggets here, but they’re lost in the author’s own confusion and ego as he attempts to define personal freedom through entrepreneurship. Of course, personal freedom looks different for everyone, and I’ve come to understand it as being able to make money in a way tha