Manifest Your Amazing Life With Alix And The Archangels: The No Bs Guide

A Gratitude Meditation with Mother Mary - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide



Gratitude helps us connect to Source so that we can manifest what we desire. Includes a channeled experience with Mother Mary. Read the Whole Episode Thank you, angels! Thank you, angels! Thank you, angels! No sooner do I close my eyes and start to settle into the meditation space than I feel that familiar opening sensation in my core. Part relief, part expansion, all relaxation—gratitude is a powerful cocreative energy. It is both an emotional soother and a way to connect with and embody the flow of Source. Gratitude is arriving home safely after driving through a bad storm. Gratitude is the unexpected payment that comes through just in the nick of time. Gratitude is a sticky situation that gets resolved in a positive manner. Gratitude can be as huge as finally landing that new job, or as minor as not getting a speeding ticket. For me, this morning, gratitude is about safety. After the trauma and drama of the last few years, my gratitude this morning is about stepping off the roller coaster of insecurity