Pincount Podcast

Episode 27 - Either Which Way Round



Followup Running Hashcat on Amazon AWS P3.16xLarge Linus Tech Tips Titan V benchmarks Bitmain buying 20k 16nm wafers a month from TSMC Bitmain revenue Nvidia Turing Nvidia Ampere Facebook Detectron Fast Photo Style from Nvidia Deep Learning Classification Explain Tool Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O’Neil The Age of the Algorithm - 99% Invisible Human ImageNet classification performance - Section 6.4 Google TPU Public Beta RiseML TPU Benchmarks Chip reliability Nvidia Xavier Fail-slow at scale: evidence of hardware performance faults in large production systems Branchless Doom Hacker News Discussion Ports Serial port Parallel port PS/2 port USB 3.1 USB 3.2 Qi wireless charging Wireless USB