Messianic Messages With Izzy

"Messianic Phylacteries, the Banned Title, and End-of-Days Confusion" Vayigash and Matthew 23-28



Teaching on Genesis 44-47 and Matthew 23-25 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Controversy of the Pharisees. Yeshua resembled a Pharisee. Yeshua wore tefillin and tzitzit. Disproval of Nehemiah Gordon's book Hebrew Yeshua Versus Greek Jesus. Karaites are biased, have an agenda, and don't factor in all the evidence. Why Izzy doesn't let people call him Rabbi. Irony of lawlessness and anarchy in the Messianic community. Plug for leadership, structure, and healthy attitudes. Anomia equals cold love. This good news. Hanukkah story as eschatological key to gospel of Matthew. Sabbatarian proof. Why you will go through the Great Tribulation and won't be raptured out beforehand. Yeshua the King of the Jews. Trailer of drama when Yeshua reveals himself to Israel. Judah as pointer and teacher in body of Christ and Messianic movement. Poetic expression for unity. Going up and down.