Messianic Messages With Izzy

"Moshe Incompetent and Israelus Invictus Vs. Dark World Ruler" - Shemot and Mark 1-2



Teaching on Exodus 1-6 and Mark 1-2 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Israel's exile and the scattering of Yeshua's disciples not the end of the story. Analysis of Israel's dynamic dna in action. Parellel with dna of body of Mashiach in the nations. Recommended reading including Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Martyr's Mirror, Heavenly Man with Brother Yun, and Voice of the Martyrs with Wurmbrandt. Profile of dark spirit behind world system. Fears aliyah, uses tactical burdens and anti-shabbat theology, promotes infacticide i.e. abortion. Profile of God of Israel. Calling you out of the system into the wilderness, is engaged and involved and not absent or distant, is forever to all generations, is THE God, is allied with the Hebrew ethnicity. Profile of Moshe. Resorted to violence, negative, pessimistic, worse-case scenario-generator, poor public speaker, sloppy with mitzvot, became discouraged and doubted the mission, wasn't fluent with Hebrew, never really belonged, and was a reject. Healing of leprosy and belie