Messianic Messages With Izzy

"Yeshua's Essence, Bitter Spirituality, and Explaining Peter's Vision" - Beshalach and Mark 6



Teaching on Exodus 13-17 and Mark 6 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Humour in omer tenth of ephah. How to deal with people from your past who refuse to accept who you are. Healing connection. Corrective and directive message for the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Jewish movements. Bones of Joseph and essence of Yeshua. Remember Yeshua. Read the Apostolic Scriptures, the New Testament. First Fruits of Zion and Torah Portions. Core identity not as Messianic Jew, Torah-Observant Ephraimite, Karaite, Sacred Namer, Circumlocutor, follower of this or that ministry or teacher, rather as a disciple of Yeshua. Being wrapped up in who Mashiach is. Messiah's Torah versus Rabbinic Torah in areas including names of calendar months, laws of postponement, brachot for washing hands and candle lighting. Life-giving, love-based, and freedom-giving complete Torah. Profile of Miryam as spiritual prophetess with propensity towards bitterness, negativity, gossiper, and character assasinator. Staff of Moseh and authority of Torah.