The Game Design Dojo Podcast

GDD 006 : Characters, Control, and Mechanics



In this episode of Game Design Dojo, we discuss how game characters and gameplay mechanics go hand in hand with level design and control schemes. How many controls do you give the player and why?  Characters and control are the backbone of your game's interactive experience and we walk through plenty of examples. Characters, Control and Mechanics Game characters and gameplay mechanics are essential to creating your video game. Once you've determined your character and what gameplay mechanics to give your character you can create level designs and start enjoying the game developing process. Characters and control are the backbone of your game’s interactive experience and we walk through plenty of examples.  Put your phone on vibrate and come along for the ride.  A Look at Gameplay Mechanics What are mechanics you ask? Basically whenever the player presses a button, what does that button do? Once you determine what gameplay mechanics you'd like your character to have, you can start to work around that mechanic