The Game Design Dojo Podcast

GDD 010 : Screenshots – Get The Attention Your Game Deserves



On this episode of Game Design Dojo, Brian and Ike discuss ways to capture the best screenshots for your marketing channels, and may also help guide your game's production. It's GDC (Game Developer's Conference) week and we recommend that anyone who has the opportunity to go should most definitely go. Brian will be speaking at the Unity and Qualcomm booths. It is such an honor and really exciting! Check for updates on our facebook page for more details about GDC. Screenshots A screenshot should be how you visualize what your game should look like. It can be challenging to capture the essence of your game with just a screenshot. Do keep in mind a picture is worth a thousand words and at a glance someone needs to "get it". 3 Key Elements for Screenshots: Does it have a clear action Can you see a puzzle Is there a clear theme Screenshots at a glance - What are they looking for? A good analogy is the back of the box. Remember back to console games when you would look at the back of the box to see what the