Senior Dad

Senior Dad 036-Do Schools Give African Americans an Even Chance?



A large number of African American students in the San Francisco Unified School District are behind academically. Bennie Wright an African American is a native San Franciscan. She went to the public schools here and is a college graduate. She is involved in her community and shares with us her views of the school system and how well we are serving the African American community. This is one part of a multi part view. Meet Shawna DeNofa, during her eighth month of pregnancy she found out that her first child had autism. It lead to the most trying year of her life. Adjusting to a new world she and her husband learn to adjust and adjust and adjust. Now, several years later she helps strangers become new friends (other parents who have children with autism) by answering questions on a autism listserv. Shawna is on constant lookout for any information that might benefit her son. Shawna’s strength and devotion to her family makes Shawna someone you are proud to know.Pat Howey has been an advocate for children with