Silver & Gold Podcast

18: Time Bridge Part II



The ninth day of the ninth month can only mean that FKAjason and Roy "Charlemagne" Cleary are ready to talk about some old "number 9" comic books! Join us for "Time Bridge Part II" by Dan Jurgens, Mike DeCarlo, Gene D'Angelo, John Costanza, and Alan Gold from Booster Gold (vol 1) #9. Then stick around as we pick at "Blood and Betrayal" by Cary Bates, Pat Broderick, Bob Smith, Carl Gafford, Duncan Andrews, and Denny O'Neil from Captain Atom (DC, vol 1) #9.Guest Stars: Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Ultra Boy, Senator Ballard, Director of the 1000, Bolt, Chiller, and Ronald Reagan.Silver & Gold Watch: A quick reminder in the pages of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (vol 1) #64 of how Captain Atom trounced the "nuclear man," and both Booster and Cap appear in the pages of Who's Who Update '87 #3.Remember to use the hashtag #SNGPOD when commenting on social media!Follow us on Twitter! (@SNGPOD4779)