Ten Ideas

Thick Sky Country



Come little children and listen up now your time is a coming, and this'll be how. You'll yell and you'll scream, run up and down aisles, You'll kick backs of seats and you'll do it with smiles. But the KACKIT is watching. The KACKIT sees all. And when you're not looking, The KACKIT will fall from the overhead bin where your mom stowed her bag. The KACKIT will grab you, and off you'll be dragged to a part of the plane where no one must go to a black, freezing room only KACKIT-kin know. So settle down childrenand stop all your tears stop yelling, stop screaming, stop making noise here. For the KACKIT will hear you and take you away, deep in the dark, and your parents will say "Such a shame such a shame, it just isn't right. Oh 'twere our child back! but until then This is such a nice flight."