Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Aaron Anastasi | Setting your day up for success



In this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast, be ready to set your day up for Success! Listen To The Podcast:                           Why is it that some people succeed and others don’t? More importantly… how is it that some people can get knocked down, but then find a way to get back up and breakthrough whatever was holding them back? There might just be a "secret sauce" for this. And that’s what today’s DREAM. THINK. DO. episode is all about. I talk with entrepreneur and musician, Aaron Anastasi. Aaron Anastasi has had successes on multiple fronts.  In fact, he combined his two biggest passions (music and business) to create online training for budding musicians.  This training has helped thousands of people and brought in millions in revenue. But amid the success, Aaron has also suffered a number of setbacks along the way too. In our conversation, we dig into Aaron’s story and some freakishly specific strategies that help him set up each day for success!  More importantly, we talk about ho