Entanglement Radio With Angela Levesque

Leslie J Hart on Indigenous Widsom & the Council Fire Part I



Can you imagine a world where decisions are made by asking "What will this look like seven generations from now?" There is so much for us to learn from Indigenous Cultures. Join us as we speak with Shaman, Leslie J Hart about the wisdom of the indigenous people and as he shares a prophetic vision and warning for humanity. Leslie also explores the idea of creating Council Fires which can give us a way to connect and overcome what we are facing while allowing us the opportunity to commune with spirit. About the GuestLeslie J Hart is the founder of “The Medicine Lodge” an alternative healing service based in Shamanism. He is an Intuitive, Sensitive and Shamanic practitioner, applying his gifts to help clients gain clarity on their path to self healing. He serves as a paranormal consultant, assisting those in the paranormal field. Leslie prefers Medicine cards (tarot), animal totems , nature, and the Shamanic journey as his methods for obtaining spiritual insights.Leslie is an aspiring author and blogger