Tea With Alice

Tea's A Crowd or a Fourcast Teacast



Alice has tea and talks in a remarkably civilised fourway throwdown about violence and criminality. Chapter titles if you want to skip ahead or back are as follows: 4.50 minutes in – Punching for no reason. 9.05 mins – Gendered dreams [do babies dream of electric babies?]. 13.20 – Aggression as a problem solving tool, violent fantasies and masculine heroism. 17 mins – The righteous smashing! 20 mins – A heavily visual joke… 21 mins - Swimming in salt water; complicated grief. 24 mins – The transcendental beauty of the imperfect... 26 mins – Criminality and Criminology. 30 mins – No-one wants to be an arsehole? 33 mins - Passive Aggression is not that bad. http://alicecomedyfraser.com @aliterative