

How can you crush your goals and have a massive impact, while still keeping your free time and your sanity? Today we dive into some shifts you can make in your business in order to reduce the actual amount of work you’re doing, and help reduce any overwhelm you may be feeling.  Time Stamped Show Notes 0:52 – Introduction 2:04 – Figure out the tactics that work best for you 3:00 – Why FOCUS should be priority #1 in your work day 5:07 – Quality over quantity 6:08 – Recap   3 Shifts To Maximize Your Time 1.     Make Peace With the Pace That Works For You – The items on your to-do list do not matter as much as your feeling of peace and accomplishment each day. As long as you are moving at a happy, steady pace and consistently moving forward, then you are making progress. Whether You’re Firm Or Flexible, Priority #1 Is Focus – Ditch the mindset of cramming more work into less time. The most important thing is for you to manage your focus each day, in order to get the right things done. There are two trains of t