Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 65 - Networking Expert Patty Farmer’s “100,000 Connections To $100,000”



Today we chat with networking expert Patty Farmer, who shares how she went from 10,000 connections to 10,000 dollars. Patty also shares her best tips on finding the best networking events to attend, following up with your connections, and how to have conversations that convert into cash.   Time Stamped Show Notes: 1:34 – Introduction. 5:03 – Patty had just moved to a new town where she did not know anybody so she organized a kitty party but then she thought that she is not B2B or B2C but she is in the people business, she is in a brand-new town and she doesn’t know anybody and so she identified that as an opportunity and she changed her thinking a little bit to have a shift. She made a decision to meet 100000 people and make $100000. 6:50 – According to Patty your goal has to scare you if it doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough. 6:59 – The next tip is to make a plan and so she started doing research about where should she network and who are the right people to network with.  In today’s business environmen