She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

009: Heather Crabtree, Business Strategist



Heather Crabtree is a business strategist with a passion for coaching creative entrepreneurs. Heather has embraced her journey.  Her journey lead her from the career she envisioned herself having since high school, an attorney, to owning a very large and successful wedding planning company, selling it and finally landing exactly where she wants to be, helping coach creative entrepreneurial women. Heather talks in detail about how her definition of success shifted the moment she got a heart wrenching call saying her father had passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack. "When tragedies like that happen it changes everything. It changed my whole being." In today's episode we chat with Heather about embracing her journey, dealing with the loss of her father, how she lost herself and a good long chat with her sister gave her her perspective back. We chat about this idea of needing to validate one's career with their title. Heather left the world of lawyer-ing but felt she  wasn't worthy because she walked away fr