She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

010: Working From Home, Coffee Talk with Danielle & Jen



Our Friday Coffee Talk episodes are a time for Danielle and I chat about anything and everything. We are so happy this community enjoys hearing us talk about things that often get discussed at a coffee shop, the things you tell your girlfriends. Today we are sipping coffee and talking all about working from home. The good, the bad and the ugly. Ok, maybe there isn't really any ugly. But both Danielle and I share when we started working for home, how try and keep work and life separate. Spoiler alert, we aren't very good at it but we make a conscious effort to step away from work and we both share how to try to do that. We also go into detail about emails and Danielle shares how she gave herself permission to take the weekends off. It's a great episode. Even if you don't work from home you'll get a bit of sneak peek into how Danielle and I plan our days and what working from home is like.  Also a major spoiler alert, we do not have kids so we have to give a major shout out to the WAHMs and the SAHMs because yo