She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

023: Kate Erickson of Entrepreneur on Fire



Find Kate here: Website // Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Podcast Kate Erickson is a creator, engager and implementer over at Entrepreneur on Fire, a 7-day a week podcast that interviews today's most inspiring and successful entrepreneurs. She is also the host of Kate's Take: The EntrepreneurOnFire Audio Blog and author of The Fire Path: A Beginner's Guide to Creating, Growing and Monetizing Your Online Business. Kate is passionate about helping entrepreneurs create the engine that will move their business forward. We dive right in and talk about what success means to Kate and find out about the day that changed her life. A day others might have seen as a set back, she saw as the opportunity to take control of her life and make her own decisions. "For me I feel like success is intentionally filling your life with the people, the activities and the things that you want in it! I don't think that you feel or are filled with success by making decision or doing things only out of necessity. It's more so makin