She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

024: Online Communities, Coffee Talk with Danielle & Jen



Our Friday Coffee Talk episodes are a time for Danielle and I chat about anything and everything. We are so happy this community enjoys hearing us talk about things that often get discussed at a coffee shop, the things you tell your girlfriends. Today we are sipping coffee and talking about online communities! Online communities we talked about: Heather Crabtree's Savvy Business Owners Facebook group Visit Heather's website + check out our interview with her! Creative Biz Owners with Little Farm Media Sign up for Caitlin's group, Creative Biz Owners at AND get her free e-book, "How I Gained 1,000 Pinterest Followers In One Month" The Influence Network Oh my handmade goodness  #ohmg on twitter One Woman Shop twitter chat #OWSchat on twitter. Also, check out this great calendar of other twitter chats! Bliss Boost with House of Bliss