She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

025: Ellie Cox, New Mom of Three Girls



Find Ellie here:  Instagram // Website Ellie Cox is a new mother to three young girls. Growing up a military child she claims the Pacific Northwest home and considers herself a city girl despite currently living in a small town with one stoplight! Ellie shares with us how she and her husband found out in a 3 month span that they were going from adopting one little girl from Uganda, to adopting to two little girls, AND expecting a baby of their own. Ellie shares with us the shift she went through from being a working gal to a mom of three girls in a short 7 month time span. "Since I've become a mom I've really struggled to define success. Before motherhood my definition of success was tied to my career. I had clear defined responsibilities, I had clear victories. But motherhood doesn't have those clear parameters." "Most of the time the goal in my day where I am at in motherhood is just to get through that day and make sure everyone feels loved." {Ellie references this article by David Brooks, The Moral Bucket