She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

027: Heather Sweeney, Writer



Find Heather here: Blog // Facebook // Instagram // Twitter Heather is a freelance writer appearing in publications like the Huffington Post and the New York Times as well as various other online publications.  She also blogs at Riding the Roller Coaster. She's a former military spouse, a mother of two, an avid runner, and everything in between. We dive right in and talk about what success means to Heather as well as how Heather is working to find a few identity after divorce.  She shares all about how she had a major life plan when she started college. This plan included getting her undergraduate degree in 4 years, moving straight on to her master's, becoming a sports psychologist, getting married at 27, having her first baby at 30, publishing a novel, and finally having her second baby at 32. This all started to change when she didn't want to be a sports psychologist, she didn't want to keep going to school after her undergraduate degree and when she got married at 24 instead of 27! Life was going anything