She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

029: Caroline Hulse of Sew Caroline



Caroline Hulse is the author and content creator behind the sewing/DIY blog She lives in Fort Worth, TX with her husband and pup as they eagerly await the arrival of their little one. Caroline is a surface pattern designer and sewing pattern designer with a love for handmade fashion. {You can find Caroline's fabric lines here.} Find Caroline here: Blog // Shop // Facebook // Instagram // Twitter As we do with every episode our first question is always "What is your definition of success?" Caroline touches on a financial part of success that resonates so well with us and we are sure it will resonate with so many of you! "Your success isn't defined by how much money you make, but on the same hand it kind of does for me because I don't feel as though I would feel successful if I weren't making an income on what I do." We often share that money is not the only way to define success, but Caroline brings up a great point,  while she doesn't gauge her success solely on how much she brings in each mo