She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

030: Life Lately, Coffee Talk with Danielle & Jen



Our Friday Coffee Talk episodes are a time for Danielle and I chat about anything and everything. We are so happy this community enjoys hearing us talk about things that often get discussed at a coffee shop, the things you tell your girlfriends. Today we are sipping coffee and chatting about life.  It really is a true life virtual coffee date, we're chatting about what we would say is going on in our lives if we were able to sit down and have coffee with all of our listeners. BIG NEWS! In case you didn't see my personal instagram announcement last week, my husband and I are expecting our first baby in November. After struggling with infertility for the last 5 years this was a huge blessing and a huge surprise.  You can read more about my infertility journey here. Also here is the first post I ever wrote about our infertility journey. IF YOU HAVEN'T SIGNED UP FOR DANIELLE'S ETSY TRAINING COURSE YET THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET IT AT THE INTRODUCTORY RATE! It doubles in price on June 2, 2015! Danielle LAUNC